Qabala Goddesses
This series has thus far been about a year in the Making. I making. I enjoy having friends pose for my paintings as I create Goddesses in their images. This series is inspired by the Spheres in the Glyph known as the Tree of Life. Each Sphere represents another area of life in the Universe. Each painting is mixed media and 18" x 24."

Acrylic on Canvas, Gold Leaf, Paper, Pastels, Colored Pencil, Glass beads, Quartz Crystals
Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Paper, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Glass Beads, Quartz Crystal, Lava Beads, Glass Beads

Acrylic on Canvas, Gold leaf, Paper, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Glass Beads, Laboradorite, gray baroque pearls
Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Skull beads, Coral beads, Shell beads, glass beads

Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf,
Paper, Pastel, Aqua Aura Crystals Glass Beads,
Lapis Lazuli Beads

Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Paper, Pastel, Citrine, Treated Quartz Crystals, Glass Beads
Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Treated Quartz Crystals, Carnelian, Glass Beads

Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Paper, Pastel, Malachite, Glass beads, Laboradorite

Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Paper, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Treated Quartz Crystal, Amethyst, Ametrine, Glass beads

Acrylic on Canvas, Goldleaf, Paper, Pastel, Colored Pencil, Treated Quartz Crystal, Jaspar, Peach Moonstone, Laboradorite,
Glass beads